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About Us

The Paramattha-sacca website was created by the Citta-kasema group who have been influenced by the teachings of Luangpor Teean. We began practising awareness-mindfulness meditation after we had read his teachings and Dhamma talks. The developing awareness according to Luangpor Teean's teachings proves to be a great benefit to practitioners who would like to have pan᷉n᷉ā and to free themselves from dukkha. Many people say their dukkha was much reduced; some even reached the end of dukkha.

Luangpor Teean Jittasubho passed away in 1988, but his teachings have been widely disseminated in both Thailand and many foreign countries. If Luangpor Teean were still alive (he would be one hundred years old on 5th September 2011), he would be very happy to see the increasing number of people interested in his teachings. However, we have found that in many meditation centres that teach dynamic meditation or awareness-mindfulness meditation in accordance with Luangpor Teean’s teaching, the techniques of practice and Dhamma talks have apparently differed from Luangpor Teean’s original ones.

Luangpor Teean had attained the Lokuttara-dhamma after his Five Aggregates were destroyed. Occasionally, Luangpor Teean used analogies to explain the profound Dhamma to the audiences if that Dhamma was too deep exceeding the ability to comprehend. After reading and listening to his Dhamma talks, we sometimes cannot understand what Luangpor Teean means, because they are too deep for sati-paññā of ordinary persons. We may say that a fish in the pond can never understand a bird in the sky.

After meeting Ajahn Anchalee Thaiyanond, we had the opportunity to listen to her talk about the teachings of Luangpor Teean and his Dhamma in much more detail. She clearly explained to us the proper method and technique of practising awareness-mindfulness meditation. Her talks about the Ārammaṇa Vipassanā and the attainment of the Truth made us realize that our understanding in the past about the teachings of Luangpor Teean was missing the most important part and the essence of Luangpor Teean’s teachings.

Ajahn Anchalee always suggests everyone read and listen to what Luangpor Teean taught, and not only listen to her talks. We have now known and been close to Ajahn Anchalee for many years. Throughout those years, we have seen her always express her respect and admiration for Luangpor Teean, her master, in both her speech and action. When we do not understand Luangpor Teean’s meaning, Ajahn Anchalee explains and makes us clearly understand it. She always speaks from her own paññā realizing the Ultimate Truth.

Since Luangpor Teean is no longer with us, if we need someone to explain the Dhamma, we must find a teacher who followed Luangpor Teean’s path, someone who really understands his teaching, and attained the Ultimate Truth. We believe that Ajahn Anchalee is the one. She is a living evidence of Luangpor Teean’s teaching. She has proved that anyone who properly practises the awareness-mindfulness meditation can receive benefits for his/her practice, regardless of gender, nationality or religion. Luangpor Teean repeatedly said that "Buddhahood" has existed in everyone, not only in those who wear yellow robes and shave their heads.

The benefit we have received from the teachings of Ajahn Anchalee is valuable. With her guidance, we will not proceed down the wrong path, get lost, nor waste our time. We are certain that we are now walking towards the direct path leading to the cessation of suffering. If we have firm determination and put our best effort in the practice, our goal may be achieved one day in the near future.

The Citta-kasem group feels it is necessary to create the Paramattha-sacca website so that the teachings of Luangpor Teean can be widely disseminated. We hope that this website will be beneficial to those who are seeking a short and direct path leading to the end of suffering, and wish that the valuable teachings of Luangpor Teean Jittasubho are preserved for all mankind forever.

To see the beginning of thought is a must.
(Anchalee Thaiyanond)